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Honrado, J., J. Vicente, A. Lomba, P. Alves, J. A. Macedo, R. Henriques, H. Granja & F. B. Caldas (2010). Fine-scale patterns of vegetation assembly in the monitoring of changes in coastal sand-dune landscapes. Web Ecology, 9: 82–95. |
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Alves P, Lomba A, Ortiz S, Caldas FB and Honrado J (2007) Two new endemic megaforb (Galio-Urticetea) vegetation types from North-western Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 14: 275-279.
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Honrado J, Alves P, Alves HN and Caldas FB (2004) - A vegetação do Alto Minho: Esboço fitossociológico da vegetação natural do extremo noroeste de Portugal (sectores Galaico-Português e Geresiano). Quercetea 5: 3-102.
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Honrado J, Alves P, Alves HN and Caldas FB (2003) – Ten new syntaxa from the miniense biogeographic subsector (Northwest Portugal). Silva lusitana 10 (2): 247-259 |
Honrado J, Alves P, Alves HN & Caldas FB (2002) - Natural and Semi-natural Vegetation of the “Alto Minho”. In: J. Honrado, H.N. Alves & F.B. Caldas (eds.) - Flora and Vegetation of the “Alto Minho”. Excursion Guide of the “IV ALFA Meeting”. Associação Lusitana de Fitossociologia, Porto. pp. 18-57.
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