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Publicações > 2012

João Rocha, António Crespí, Rubim Almeida & Francisco Amich (2012): Status and conservation of Silene section Cordifolia in the Iberian Peninsula: a menaced group under global environmental change, Plant Ecology & Diversity, DOI:10.1080/17550874.2012.671857

Coutinho, A.P., Almeida da Silva, R. M., Sá da Bandeira, D. & Ortiz, S. 2012. Pollen Morphology in Tribe Dicomeae Panero & Funk (Asteraceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution (accepted; In Press) PLSY-D-12-00023R2

Tereso J., Ramil-Rego P. Álvarez González Y., López González , L., Almeida da Silva R. 2012. Massive storage in As Laias/O Castelo (Ourense, NW Spain) from the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age transition to the Roman period: a palaeoethnobotanical approach. Journal of Archaeological Science.  (submitted)

Tereso J., Ramil-Rego P., Carvalho T.P., Almeida da Silva R., Vaz, F. 2012. Crops and fodder: evidence for storage and processing activities in a functional area at the Roman settlement of Monte Mozinho (northern Portugal). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.  (Submitted)

Tereso J., Ramil-Rego, P., Bettencourt, A.M.S., Almeida da Silva R. 2012. Environmental change and agricultural development in NW Iberia during prehistoric times. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.   (Submitted)

Tereso J., Ramil-Rego P., Almeida da Silva R. 2012. Iron Age agriculture in NW Iberia: cultural and environmental constraints and long-term dynamics. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.  (Submitted)

Tereso J., Ramil-Rego P., Almeida da Silva R. 2012. Roman agriculture in the conventus Bracaraugustanus (NW Iberia). Environmental Archaeology.  (Submitted)
