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Publications > 2007

Cerqueira, Y.C., 2007. A new hierarchical methodology for the zoning of botanical value for nature conservation purposes. Masters Dissertation. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.

Cerqueira, Y. R. 2007. The abandonment of agricultural practices and TEK In: Young et., al. 2007. European research for a sustainable Europe: Research contributing to the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy. 

Tereso J (2007). Agricultural economy of the Roman communities in NW Iberian Peninsula: carpological data from Terronha de Pinhovelo (Bragança, Portugal). Recursos Rurais. Vol. 1, Nº 3, p.13-21. [In Portuguese]

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Tereso J (2007). Palaeoethnobotany of the Roman settlement of Terronha de Pinhovelo (NE Portugal). Master thesis presented at the Science College of the Oporto University. [In Portuguese]

Vicente J (2007). Spatially Explicit Hierarchic Predictive Modeling of Vascular Plants Distribution. Master thesis presented at the Science College of the Oporto University. [In Portuguese]

 Sérgio C, Vieira C, Garcia C and Silva I (2007). Novas localidades para espécies dadas como ameçadas em Portugal (5). in Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae X (ed. C. Sérgio). Portugaliae Acta Biologica 22: 198.

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 Vieira C, Sérgio C and Séneca A (2007). Some remarkable bryophytes from the aquatic habitats of the northwest of Portugal. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 28 (3): 1-8.

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Alves PLomba A, Ortiz S, Caldas FB and Honrado J (2007) Two new endemic megaforb (Galio-Urticetea) vegetation types from North-western Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 14: 275-279.

Honrado J, Alves P, Lomba A, Vicente J, Silva G, Nepomuceno H and Caldas FB (2007). Perennial vegetation of coastal sand dunes in northern Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 14: 269-275.


Santos P and Alves P (2007) – “Património Biológico”. In: Gonçalves Guimarães (cord.) - São Salvador do Mundo – Santuário Duriense, Edições Gaialivro. pp. 19-41.

Sérgio C, Vieira C and Silva I (2007). Novos dados de Cirriphyllum crassinervium (Taylor) Loeske & M. Fleich (Brachytheciaceae) em Portugal (13). in Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae X (ed. C. Sérgio). Portugaliae Acta Biologica 22: 198.

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Sérgio C, Vieira C, Albuquerque A, Rodrígez-González P and Silva I (2007). Novos dados sobre algumas Amblystegiaceae em Portugal (1). in Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae X (ed. C. Sérgio). Portugaliae Acta Biologica 22: 190-193..

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Sérgio C, Vieira C and Silva I (2007). Recent records of Cinclidotus (Muscii, Pottiaceae) in Portugal: Cinclidotus aquaticus (hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. and Cinclidotus riparius (Host ex Brid.) Arn.. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bríologia 30/31: 33-36. 


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Capelo J, Mesquita S, Costa JC, Ribeiro S, Arsénio P, Neto C, Monteiro T, Aguiar C, Honrado J, Espírito-Santo D and Lousã M (2007). A methodological approach to potential vegetation modeling using GIS techniques and phytosociological expert-knowledge: application to mainland Portugal. Phytocoenologia, 37:399-415. 

Honrado JAlves PLomba ATorres J and Caldas FB (2007). Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Relict Laurel-Leaved Mesophytic Scrublands in Mainland Portugal. Acta Botanica Gallica, 154:63-77.

Hespanhol H, Sérgio C & Séneca A. 2007. Grimmia torquata Drumm. in Blockeel T. L., New National and Regional Bryophytes, 15. Journal of Bryology, 29:140. 
